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Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016

We have a very special blog today regarding wedding apps! Now that there seems to be an app for everything, why not have the best apps for your wedding day too!  We have featured the Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016. Let us know what you think and if we have missed one that you know about and would love to feature let us know!  We want to know what works for you!

#1 – Our Favorite: Groupie

top 3 wedding apps 2016
Firstly, if you are unfamiliar with this app, beware, you might fall in love with it. How many times have you gone to an event, party, or wedding and asked everyone there to send you their photos? This app makes things so much easier.Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016 - Groupie Now all of your wedding guests download the app and join the album that you have created. As you and your guests take photos, they will be put into the album for everyone to see and access.

Click This Link for a Tutorial on Groupie

#2 – Zola

Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016 - Zola2This app is great because it allows you to create an online registry. You receive a notification when a gift has been purchased and you can choose if you want it shipped right away or wait. Essentially, you won’t have a pile of gifts in your home that you have to organize.Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016 - Zola
Moreover, it’s easy to create, find, shop for a registry with Zola. Additionally, not only will you love it, but your guests will find it so much easier! Definitely worthy to be in our Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016.

Click This Link for a Tutorial on Zola

#3 – Appy Couple

Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016 - Appy Couple2Notably, this app is one of the most popular choices for wedding apps. The reason, well you get to create your very own website specifically for you and your partner! You can choose a design, upload photos, tell people how you got engaged, and best of all, celebrate your love.Top 3 Wedding Apps 2016 - Appy Couple
Also, it is very easy to use. You just have to pick a design you like, add your details, and start sharing with your friends and family. Therefore, if details about your wedding changes or you want to upload a fun photo, you can do it all in one place.Click here for more information.
Zola Website